Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jane Austen shawl

"'It is very pretty' said Mr. Woodhouse. 'So prettily done! Just as your drawings always are, my dear. I do not know anybody who draws so well as you do. The only thing I do not thoroughly like is, that she seems to be sitting out of doors, with only a little shawl over her shoulders -- and it makes one think she must catch cold.'
'But, my dear papa, it is supposed to be summer; a warm day in summer. Look at the tree.'" - Emma, Jane Austen

I have a passion for knitted shawls, and am always in search of the best and prettiest pattern. This pattern from Cabin Fever is very pretty, although a little challenging for anyone who has never attempted lace knitting before. However, it is not hard to figure out with a little help from a knitting instruction resource.

The pattern can usually be ordered through most yarn shops, or online at the Cabin Fever website. Here is the link to the pattern.

Wear it outside on a nice Fall day, but don't catch cold!

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